Is the Gospel Order Proof of God?! | Bible Blog Show
The Most Important Question in the World
In this video, we will be discussing the most important question in the world. Yes, you read that correctly: The most important question in the entire world! What question is that? You may be wondering. Is it: what is the meaning of life? Or: why are we here? Nope! Neither of those. The question I’m talking about, is the one that has to be answered before the types of questions you may think could be the most important question in the world, can even begin to be answered. The question I’m talking about, is the prerequisite question of all other profound questions of life and existence. The question I’m talking about is the Synoptic Problem. What’s the synoptic problem!? As Biblical Scholar, Marc Goodacre says, the synoptic problem is “possibly the greatest literary enigma in history.” The synoptic problem asks the question: in what order were the synoptic Gospels written?
So why is this the most important question in the world? (Like, I get that the Bible is important, but really?) You see, each possible answer to this question has such profound far-reaching ramifications, its importance cannot be overstated. One answer to the Synoptic Problem can be used to disprove the Gospel entirely (or at the very least raise some serious doubts) while another answer can prove the truth of the Gospel beyond a shadow of a doubt. And if we could prove *definitively* that God exists and the Bible is 100 percent true, then everything changes. Everything!
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